Wednesday, June 1, 2016

June Word of the Month:
(having or showing a friendly, generous, and considerate nature.)

While many around me are turning their thoughts towards Summer, there are still a few weeks left to Spring. A few good weeks that can bring all sorts of opportunities. As I drove to the gym this morning (yes ,that makes 3 days in a row!) I became aware of just how trans-formative this time of year has been for me. After weathering the Winters of my life and the thaw that comes right after ,I have in recent years experienced a rebirth of sorts.
Looking back just over just the last 5 years,in May of 2012,I became involved in ACN, a network marketing opportunity that I can today point to as a pivotal choice in my life.In June of 2013,I began my Journey to a happier healthier me (yes we are coming up on the three year anniversary of the beginning of my 100 Day Journey!).In June of 2014, Why Weight was born and a year ago around this time, Live 2 XL raised it's flag.
So you can see that late Spring seems to be a time of blossoming for me.As I look back,between the end of Winter and these events that I have just enumerated, I have also experienced a kind of Spring fever. If you have ever experienced Spring fever,you know it can be quite disruptive. Gathering cohesive thoughts and laying out a course of action can be challenging as I adjust to the change in the seasons of my life particularly from surviving the Winters and heading into Spring . Eventually, I seem to adjust and acclimate to the new season . And when I do,there in front of me appears the new opportunity.
Spring is in full bloom all around me. The light green new leaves on the trees are all becoming darker as their colors intensify.The new born bunnies are maturing and the squirrels that were so thin from Winter are becoming fuller and rounder as they find more and more nourishment.
It feels like it's time for another transformation for myself as well. As in the past, I have no idea what that transformation will be or where the opportunity will come from.
What I do know is that it will be born from me making a choice,one simple choice, and building upon it .
One day at a time,one choice at a time.
It's all about choice!
And it is late Spring!

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