Monday, June 6, 2016

Blue Skies!

Gone with the Wind is 418,000 words. War and Peace is 587,000 words.Currently mu manuscript  sands at 305,539 words.That's without an intro, chapter 1,or the final chapter. If I went to print with just what I have so far, the book would be 872 pages! 
Obviously I have some editing to do!
The good news is that I can now start the next part of the process,chopping away at this and trimming it down into something manageable. I can also start the process of turning this collection of random writings into something that tells a story.I am still quite lost as to exactly how that latter statement happens. I can only hope that by doing what I do when I write, that is just siting down and letting it come out, the missing dots that will connect all of this will just appear.
That may sound random and in a way a bit absurd, however I trust that the words and thoughts will do just that,appear before me as I hack away at the keyboard. 
It will be when it needs to be.
Yesterday's storm, the actual one as well as the literal one, has passed. Today is an absolutely stunningly beautiful day so far. The high skies are bright blue. Big white clouds are floating like pillows of fine cotton.There is a gentle breeze blowing and the temperature is just right. For the moment, I could not imagine a more perfect day.
My plan is to take full advantage of this by building upon it.I have a few errands to run and calls to follow up on. Tomorrow will be a lost day as I will be working the polls and have little time to tend to the daily tasks I normally deal with which means by Wednesday, I could find myself scrambling to salvage the week.That makes the decisions I make today all that much more significant. Thankfully,it is a bright energetic day and I will take that energy and make the most of it.
As there is no time like now to get started, I'll sign off for now.

Have an absolutely awesome day!

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