Good Vibrations!
Surprisingly, I am in a really upbeat mood on this How am I doin' Friday.The surprisingly part is because in the past,given some of the challenges before me, I would be besides myself with anxiety.I am dealing with these by basically not dealing with them. If in fact, I have no answers for these challenges and no viable course of action, then why should I fret over them?What will be will be and what is is.
In this moment, I am confident that I have done what I could and where ever I am today is just that,where I am today. I could have or I should have has no place in the discussion. I am here as a result of what ever actions I did or did not undertake .
I have plenty of tasks that I can attend to where I can have a positive effect on the outcome. I am using my resources on them instead of draining my energies, physical and emotional, on things that are just out of my control today.
Worry is never a solution.
Plan for tomorrow.
Work for today.
It's a pretty simple formula.
I had a boss who used to say "fretting over anything is about as useful as a second handle on a toilet bowl."
He was correct.
It is useless!
Building on a positive, any positive, far outweighs what comes from stress.
As my mentor Darren Hardy reminds me about stress,....get over yourself!
I think I will!
Shabbat Shalom!
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