Friday, June 10, 2016

Creativity inspires itself!

How am I doin' Friday feels a lot better than Pity Party Thursday did!I am not sure why I chose to let life get to me that way yesterday. Maybe it was a good thing. I can't tell. In my friend and colleague Doug Smith's daily email he wrote the following:

Creativity leverages itself.

When we start to create, we think of more to create. ........Even when what I'm writing is utter drivel or emotional purging, the impulse to write remains and is much more easily converted to action.

Creativity inspires itself.
Upon reading this I immediately felt connected. I also knew it played a part in what I was feeling yesterday.I have been and continue to feel stuck and stifled in my creativity lately. Creating is what I do best.Creating opportunity is high on that list. Since early May, as the work on the shop wrapped up, as my schedule with Why Weight changed as my responsibilities in coaching vanished and as finances became scarce I have been frustrated in my efforts to find the next creative opportunity.Late at night I ask myself "where is the next?"or "what is next?'.
I even remarked to someone yesterday,"the Spiegel's can use a win here.."
Even though a win would be nice, it is even more important for me to have a good game. Consistent effort will eventually yield positive results. No one believes this more than I do.
In my morning emails I received a note from a client who has now become a friend. She shared the following with me:
"...... as my late husband would say when we got bad news on his cancer.  You can have today to be upset and wallow around in sadness or anger but tomorrow you must dust yourself off and get back to taking care of the kids and putting your smile on and getting thru life. " 
Sage advice!
I think I needed that pity party yesterday.It served as a wake up call.Like a hard whiff on smelling salts, my head is clear and my energy is high today. I can't concern myself with the why of yesterday or what tomorrow will bring. Today I am focused and energized. That's feels a hell of a lot better than what I experienced yesterday.
It's a great day to be creative!
Shabbat Shalom!

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