Saturday, June 18, 2016


I went to bed last night wondering why my oldest child was being so weird about lending me her lawn mower. After originally having the lamest of excuses,she finally texted me later in the evening saying I could use it. This morning,my youngest child dropped off my Father's Day new lawn mower!Now the weirdness makes sense.
It's a great gift and a real doozie! 
I went to work immediately, first thoroughly reading the instruction manual (yes you hear right, I read the instructions before putting it together!)
Neatly, I cleaned up after myself before beginning to actually cut the grass.I even wiped up the oil that I accidentally spilled.
I spent about 2 hours cutting the grass and picking up the yard. This was the window of opportunity that I had put aside to go to the gym today.Guess what...who needs the gym!
I have long been an advocate of activity as an exercise. As suburban Americans, it is something we have forgotten about.We hire landscapers to cut the grass and do our yard work. We hire rubbish removal companies to clean out our garages and basements or storage areas.Just as we all too often opt for fast food or a trip to the diner instead of taking the time and effort to prepare a healthy meal, we find it much easier to pay some one to do these menial time consuming tasks supposedly to give us a better quality of life.
Let me tell you about the workout I just had. I walked back and forth,pushing my new mower (thank goodness it's not one of those self - propelled silly things!).If I had a Fit Bit I am sure I would be amazed at how much that adds to my daily step count.I did a ton of bending, picking up twigs and branches (as well as a few gifts from my dogs).I raked about 25% of the back yard.My arms are burning as much as any workout I had all year.My shoulders and back are feeling it as well!And then more deep bending as I picked up the debris I had raked together.
My shirt was soaked when I was done,something that rarely happens and only after the most strenuous of workouts.
I could choose to go out and do more . I could try to clean the entire property in one day once and for all.I ask myself"would I go to the gym one day a out real hard and then say great, see you next month?"No. Instead I work arms one day, back and shoulders another day, cardio another day legs another day and then start over again. I vary my routine,strategically targeting  one specific area at a time. I rotate them in a cycle so as to continually and consistently improve the whole by working one part at a time.The same strategy can be employed around the house.
Don't get me wrong,this isn't an either or thing. I  will still go to the gym.This just happens to be a time of year where I can incorporate these alternate forms of exercise into my routine on a regular basis.
It just serves as a reminder of the sign that was posted by the leg press machine at Mr. Bill's Fitness:
(get off your ass and do something!)
Have an awesome day!
Shabbat Shalom!

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