Monday, May 9, 2016

Where do we go from here?

A client texted me last Friday saying she has been at this weight loss thing since last summer and she is growing tired of dieting.Instantly I identified with what she was feeling.We set an appointment for this morning.When we met, I was greeted with an outpouring of how strenuous it was to constantly be denying herself.I can't eat this or that.I can't socialize with my friends.I have to bring my own special food.My friends all have dessert and all I can have is a cup of coffee.
I understood completely.There is no way to lead a happy, healthy energetic life while bearing the oppressive weight of a diet program.
We then chatted for quite a while, trying to at least begin the process of liberating her mindset from the burden of the yoke of a dieter's mentality.
I personally am done dieting,in the traditional accepted sense of the word.I reminded myself of something I wrote a long time ago.I had looked up the etymology of the word diet.

Origin of diet
Middle English diete, from Anglo-French, from Latin diaeta, from Greek diaita,literally, manner of living, from diaitasthaito lead one's life.

Like myself, my client has reached a transitional point in her journey.I look back at this moment in my own personal Journey and I am reminded of how pivotal it was for me.I also now understand that it was the first step down a new path of life for me.....a very very very long and winding path.Besides learning a whole new way of how to live with food,I also would have to unlearn or at least walkaway from the way I lived with food for the previous 59 years.
I don't want to mislead you.....for me this is still a work in progress, and I have only begun to explore what this new manner of living will actually look like.I am intrigued by the possibilities and at times in awe of the magnitude of opportunities that lay ahead of me.
This is all very exciting to me.My Journey is exciting.Seeing it take hold in a client is exciting.Creating a life that allows me to explore and expand on this is unbelievably exciting.

Finding a way to share that's my challenge!

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