Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Time to get to work!

As I continue to chart my course for moving forward, I am looking at all of the parts that make up the whole of me.In the quiet hours of the early morning,my thoughts turned to coaching. While I enjoyed 11 months of getting paid to coach, I reminded myself that when I decided to become a coach,it was not for financial gain. Time and time again, when asked why I became a coach the answer was always the same....because I didn't want to become a curmudgeon.
At 55 my view of life ,my own as well as the rest of the World's was becoming darker and darker. Cynicism,and sarcasm were my default attitudes.I was becoming my Old Man, and although I loved my dad, he did have a way about him.Lucky for him he had my Mom to keep him in check,. I knew deep inside of me that there must be a better way  to view life.And that is why I chose to become a coach.
So coaching and getting paid for it was an unexpected bonus.While the kind of "coaching" I was doing was not exactly what a life coach does, I did have the opportunity to use the tools of the trade on a daily basis. Just strapping on the tool belt daily reminded me of what these tools were, what they are used for and how they work.The limitations and parameters set by my employers did not detract from my showing up as exactly who I was....the coach.
For that I am grateful.
Today,coincidentally, my mentor,Darren Hardy challenged me to perform a personal S.W.O.T. analysis on myself.If you are not familiar with the term the 4 parts are Strengths,Weaknesses,Opportunities and Threats. When ever I am asked to do a plan, whether a business plan or a launch of a new line or a new sales program, this is a key component I use to evaluate the landscape.
It only makes sense that as I try to figure out what's next for me, that I employ a personal S.W.O.T. analysis. So part of my day will now involve doing just that. 
I am already cautioning myself of one of the major by products of heading down this road...paralysis by analysis, spending too much time "thinking" and not enough time doing!
Just being aware of this is helpful.
The whole thing is a process.The only way to move the process forward is to get started,and that is exactly what I will do .
Have an awesome day!

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