Sunday, May 8, 2016

That's good enough for me!

It's been a long day.It was our turn to visit South Jersey today.So bright and early this morning, Susan and I set out on our 200 mile road trip.100 miles down, some grocery shopping,prepared and had lunch,a short visit and then the 100 mile drive home!Happy Mother's Day!
Once back in Paramus, we again went grocery shopping, this time for dinner for the family.Then a trip to the shop,where we had a problem that needed tending to.In all of my great planning, I never took into consideration the what if's that having an electric grooming table would bring.Just my luck.......what if the brand new grooming table stopped working?Well, now we know and we also know what our first task for tomorrow will be.
After making dinner and spending some quality time with the kids, I finally have a few minutes to myself.
I'm tired!
I mean sleepy tired.And that's okay. It's almost 8:30,and after I finish writing, I think I will grab a cup of coffee, spend a few minutes relaxing and head to bed.
As Sunday's go, this was ,well just another one.Once again, that's okay.They're not always going to be spectacular. In fact, there are times when spectacular is not called for.Sometimes, just getting to that cup of coffee at day's end is good enough for me!
Shavua Tov!

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