I have an itch and it needs to be scratched!
Sitting around waiting is not something I am very good at.I make a sales presentation, and then sit and wait for orders to come in.I send an email and sit and wait for a response.I file for a permit and sit and wait for someone to approve it.My frustration is not in the process. I realize that things take time and eventually the order will come, the email will get answered and the paperwork will be approved.That part of the waiting is fine. It's what do I do with myself in the meantime? How do I keep busy? What's next for me to do? And before you say "just relax, sit back and wait", let me warn you......that ain't gonna happen!
By all accounts, I had a fairly productive day yesterday. I took care f a number of agenda items.
Great!....Now what?
In my very first job out of college, I never had that problem. No matter how much we accomplished on any given day, at day's end,the packing line was stocked up and ready o go,the machines had work staged to start the morning with, the telex (pre-fax machines) would be spitting out orders for pulling and trucks were being loaded at the plant for delivery to us bright and early.It was none stop. I remember wondering what it would feel like to have a job where at the end of any given day,I could say I was done.
I became used to the never ending work load,like so many waves in the ocean,never ending.Some waves were more gentle. Some waves were bigger. Sometimes the seas became really choppy and stormy. And every once in a while the tidal wave would come crashing down on top of us. I loved every bit of it. No matter how relenting the waves were, how strong they were pounding and how quickly they came, I became expert at weathering the storm, even the biggest tsunamis.
Forty years later, I still crave the wave!I want more challenges.I dare you to say"it can't be done!".That just lights me up like a child on Christmas morning!When the "how about"list is a complete blank? Well that's when I am most uncomfortable.
I understand,learning to live with uncomfortable is a good thing. It does not mean I have to like it!
I am a bit uncomfortable today......and I just may have to do something about that!
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