Nothing special!
As I drove around handling errands this morning my thoughts turned to my life and my writing. For almost 3 years now, I have written almost every day. It's always about something going on in my life,a life which is not all that special. With a book somewhere on the horizon, I found myself once again questioning why am I writing a book. The story just isn't that compelling.I have not overcome some monumental physical challenge. I didn't grow up in a third world country under some horrible political regime.I had 2 loving parents and a relatively normal suburban life growing up.It certainly was not the tough streets of a ghetto or some remote village where life was stuck in some earlier century without electricity, flush toilets or any of the other trappings of modern life.
There is no persecution to overcome or degenerative condition that I live with.
So why is it that when I pose this to my editor or anyone else who reads what I write, the comments are always the same.
"it's a great story""The writing speaks to me""It's really inspirational""It's makes me think"and one of the most encouraging " I love reading your stuff,I feel so connected".
I think it's because I'm no one special. I am just me .And I write about that,oft times unfiltered,but always open and honest.Maybe too open and too honest at times, but hey,that's the beauty of it I suppose.
An acquaintance (I use that term because we kind of just know each other very casually) walked over to me the other night at services. In his own inimitable way he muttered,"so here's the thing I find so remarkable, it's not that you lost all that weight,every body loses and gains weight. It's that you've kept it off. Unbelievable!"
So maybe the story is compelling. Not the weight loss. Not the daily writing. Not the new attitude and outlook on life. The entirety of it. The transformation. The tale of a guy,an ordinary guy,at any time just working diligently at being better,some days more successfully than others.
For me,I just love sharing the story,basically to any one who will listen.Even I get inspired as the words race through my mind.It's the biggest part of how the weight has stayed off. It's at the epicenter of my attitude.It's what ends up in these emails every day.
Nothing special,just me.
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