A very special How am I doin' Friday!
Believe it or not,I am not a man of prayer.Yes I attend services,at times in my life fairly regularly.Yes every Friday night we light candles,make kiddush and hamotzi(the prayers over wine and bread).And yes, I say kaddish ( the mourners prayer) when it is appropriate.When I attend shul, I participate in (sometimes vociferously) all communal prayers and melodies.With that said,the prayers themselves have never comforted or held much meaning to me.I read Hebrew but I do not understand any of it.Basically,I have no idea what the words that I am chanting mean.......I just learned to say them.
This morning,I woke up just before dawn.I began thinking about the day ahead.My first thoughts were about the shop.In a few hours, the lights would go on, and Susan and Becca would be waiting for Chewy, their first customer to walk through the doors.I waited and watched for the first bit of sunlight to peek through the window.When they did, I recited the Shehecheyanu blessing.The Shehecheyanu blessing (Hebrew: שהחינו, "Who has given us life") is a common Jewish prayer said to celebrate special occasions. It is said to be thankful for new and unusual experiences.
As I said, I know.I can tell you its purpose,I can't tell you what the words mean.
It felt appropriate.This is a very special occasion.It is a new beginning.Not just for them ,but for myself as well.
For the first time in a very long time,I feel like I have accomplished something.This was more than opening a new business.I feel that through my efforts,my experience,guidance,tutelage,and mentor ship, I have been given the gift of giving.For the first time in a very very long time,I can sit back and feel pride in knowing I delivered on my promise.....no regrets,no cut corners, no "if only's".
There are a lot of things I have not been able to do for or with my family,vacations,fancy cars,extravagant celebrations,a big house or even a fortune when I am gone.This however feels like I made good on my promise.
So on this particular How am I doin' Friday,I can honestly say that I am doing great.I did a great job.And there is not a sliver of remorse or discontent inside of me.
In a way, I feel humbled in knowing that I delivered on my promise of this blessing, this gift that opened its doors today .
"Blessed are You, Lord,our God, King of the
Universe,who has granted us life, sustained us and
enabled us to reach this occasion."
(Baruch atah Adonai Elohenu melekh ha'olam shehecheyanu vekiymanu vehigi'anu lazman hazeh.)
Shabbat Shalom!
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