That's that!
Before I began writing this morning I decided to take a walk around the block. It was bright and sunny outside and the house still had a chill from the cool night we had yesterday.The sunlight felt good as I walked,collecting my thoughts on this How Am I Doin' Friday.My first thoughts were around my situation with my arm and hand. Tomorrow will mark 4 weeks since this episode began, While it improves each and every day, it is still a long way from better or for that matter even useful.I am thankful for the progress and look forward to the day when this has passed. I thought about how tough life has been not only because I have literally become a one armed paper hanger, but the toll that the constant pain has taken on my daily efforts.
Upon returning home from my stroll,I received a text from a client who had to rush up to Boston to be with her daughter who's husband accidentally cut off 3 fingers last night. That was my reality check this morning!
All things considered I am doing great!
The hand is on the mend. My weight is a continuing work in progress.My health in general is good.I am nurturing what ever forward business I have as I search for ways to supplement my current income.
All good stuff.
I just took a call from a client and now friend.As many of these conversations go,my take away is that exactly what he and I discussed are the things I can add to my life as well. The conversation about him,is actually all about me.One of the items that surfaced was that I had stopped writing gratitude at night. I have been questioning myself for a while about this.Each time I found myself starting with the same questions.Why had I stopped? What am I afraid of? What is bothering me? What is stopping me?
The truth is none of that matters.
Why or how or what means nothing. Nike time as I tell my clients.
Just do it!
No excuses,no amount of reasoning,no need for justification. John Maxwell's Friday challenge word....DILIGENCE.
Diligence comes hand in hand with discipline.Discipline comes hand in hand with commitment.
Not writing gratitude daily is about nothing else other than a lack of commitment,a lack of discipline ,and a lack of diligence.
And it has had a detrimental effect on my life .
I have in fact stopped growing. I am not writing gratitude. I am not reading. I am not listening to audio books. I am not working out.
Okay stop with the negatives and let's grasp the positives.
I am for the first time in months being uber diligent with my food protocols. I am taking life literally one day at a time, not worrying about tomorrow and not wallowing in yesterday.I have shelved the sweat pants and am back to dressing like me....the guy in the tie.I can do more today with my hand than I could yesterday and without the pain.I have written every day for over a week, without exception.
All good stuff!
Commitment......doing what you said you would do long after the mood in which you said it has left you.To make a commitment you have to say
I will write gratitude again tonight.
I guess that's that!
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