Sunday, May 22, 2016


Sunday morning has started out with an AHAH moment.A week after our Grand Opening and a week after basically saying"well I did y part.....have fun" I  just realized how bad that decision was.Each of us brings our strengths (and weaknesses) to every thing we do.Part of my skill set is to help things run smoothly,to keep things flowing and to always work on improving. I was reminded in my daily email from High Energy Leadership (, that improving the team starts with improving myself. 
The rising tide lifts all  must be the rising tide.By handing off the keys and stepping aside, I ceased participating in my role as a leader.What was I thinking?
There we go....another AHAH moment.
For months, I have minimized my role in the shop. I proudly told everyone about the new business that Susan and Becca were opening.It was always they,never we.
It is undeniable that it is WE.I did play a part and once again deflected attention away from myself as I have done so many times before.Being the guy behind the curtain has been my modus operandi for a long time.It has been okay playing the role of  Keyser Sö's worked up until now.Or has it?
I think maybe not so much. I think stepping aside and not acknowledging my contributions has taken a toll on my personal growth.For the second time in a week, I am engaged in a mental conversation with myself reviewing my role and participation in an institution and realizing how valuable and critical that role is.
Which brings me full circle to the understanding that I bring an awful lot to the table,any table,where ever I go.
Okay,here comes another AHAH statement....
"I am a huge life force!'
There I said it. Kind of scary coming out of my own mouth.Years and years of down playing can not cover the truth.I am a significant presence.
My life energy is not like a nuclear explosion that by its very nature brings up a sense of  awe by its sheer power.My energy is more akin to the Sun,whose daily presence often times goes unnoticed. Imagine a world with out a Sun.Life would not exist.
I know this may seem like I am just full of myself and I apologize.But for maybe the very first time in my life,I think I understand.Maybe I am seeing what others see.
Like the Sun, we don't stare at it.
Maybe,the energy ,the light and the warmth is something that just exists.

Shavua Tov!

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