I chose my Sunday song of the day today while driving around yesterday. Even though I have used it before,the moment I heard it I felt deeply connected.I was in the car shuttling between the grand opening ribbon cutting for the grooming shop and an appointment with a potential Why Weight client.It was a beautiful Spring day ,the windows were open and Sara Bareilles was singing Brave to me. I couldn't help smile as I sat at a traffic light with the Sun cascading in through the window.From the first day we stepped into 201-B Rochelle Ave, the space now known as The Grooming Shoppe,that is exactly how we have approached this project. We were brave.There was never any doubt that this would happen,that we had found a home for our new business. No corners were going to be cut. No roadblocks were going to deter us and nothing was going to derail us.
Believe me,there were plenty of opportunities for us to find a way to back out,walk away or settle for less than we knew could be.Zoning board,planning board, and the legal and professional fees connected to them were a huge drain on our resources.If you have ever opened a business, it's kind of like buying a new house or car. There are always extra costs that you didn't and couldn't anticipate.
The positive attitude that accompanied us throughout the process,buoyed us over and beyond any and all curve balls that were being thrown at us.
The part that made me smile the broadest is that I never second guessed any of the decisions.Historically, that is not how I face challenges or life for that matter.I'm always checking out the closeout rack and settling rather than picking the outfit off the mannequin which looks absolutely perfect.Even when I do choose the high road, I spend a lot of time and energy debating my choice and then defending and rationalizing my decision.
Not this time. As a team, we accomplished everything we set out to. On a personal level,I laid out a plan and a vision and we never deviated.The results are unquestionable,and through it all I was brave.
Shavua Tov!
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