Take the Cigar out of your mouth!
When I made this latest choice to commit to 14 clean days of eating my goal was ambitious. After having hit my "hell no!" weight, I knew I would have to lose ovr 1 pound a day to be down to what I felt would be an acceptable weight. Mind you, acceptable is not ideal or optimal. It is a weight I can feel comfortable with for the time being.I experienced great results early,. Admittedly the last 2 days have yielded less dramatic results. In fact on day 5 the scale actually crept up a tiny bit (.2 of a pound). That was followed by consecutive days of a loss of .4 of a pound.Here's what I know,I am eating as cleanly as I can. I am following the prescribed food protocols that I along with countless hundreds of others have had success with. Therefore I just keep going. I know the science behind the program and I know the results that come from the dedicated effort. The compound effect of a sustained commitment to these choices will ultimately yield significant results.
Yesterday, I had a client quit on me. "It's just not working" she kept repeating."I follow the program to the last detail and it's not working" "I do every thing except......and I don't .... and sometimes I......and It's too hard.....and in the past I....".
As I listened to this litany of excuses and reasons ,my self awareness of just how committed I am to my Journey grew in strength.
Quitters never win and winners never quit. It's that simple.
She continued" food is more than fuel....I want to enjoy my meals".
All I could think of was a famous line attributed to Groucho Marx"I like to smoke cigars , but I take them out of my mouth occasionally".
Today Susan and I are heading to South Jersey to visit her parents. In the past that trip might have included a nice breakfast somewhere, lunch,either brought in or at a diner somewhere and then a dinner of some sort after we got home, often some kind of take out since it would be late by the time we pulled up the drive way.
Instead, we just had a discussion. I laid out my food protocols to get enough "fuel" into my tank for the day. We devised an intelligent workable plan that would fit my needs as well as incorporate some of the social conventions we have become accustom to when it comes to eating.
In the end,our nutritional needs will be met. We will still have a nice day together. We will enjoy each others company. We will make the obligatory visit we have planned. And we will not have paid the price,financially or in any other way, that eating 3 or more meals,all with way too much food , all costing way more than necessary and all no not nearly as nutritional as what I have planned would be.
Day 7 of 15.
Off to make it a great one!
Shavua Tov!
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