I think I am starting to get it!
Well this feels good! It has been quite a while since I have found the time and the calmness to write to you on a Saturday morning. I feel cautiously at peace this morning. (Maybe I should lose the cautiously thing huh!).I was driving to a meeting the other day and found myself in my car for 30 quiet minutes. I used that trip to catch up with a dear friend. I almost said old friend except that would have validated exactly the exact conclusion we were both working at not being our reality.
He said "it's not that I feel old or am ready to give up....but the reality is I'm 63 and who wants a 63 year old?".
He was right. We are no longer young bucks. We are on the other side of the halfway point.And yes believe it or not, no matter how good I look and feel,no matter how much I dress it up, some of the glow of youth just is not there anymore.
I was not disturbed by our conversation. My friend is as strong as he ever was....physically and mentally. When faced with either challenges or opportunities, he has always risen above the crowd.He is as mighty as an oak tree in either situation. Unflappable and resilient.
And there it is.
Oak trees do not shine!
In fact if you stare at the bark ,it is kind of ordinary and less than colorful. They are gritty and course to the touch. However,try leaning on one.It does not move. In a storm, stand under one and it will keep you dry. Step back and look at its majesty and you can't help but to be impressed. It's branches reach out in all directions, much like the way our elder lives have. The thousands and thousands of leaves are like the lives we elders have touched,some fallen away some still clinging to us and some still drawing strength from us.
At 63 or in my case 61, it's true, we are not the wild flowers that are so beautiful and that people pick and gather.
We are the giants that are so dependable. We have risen from the ground,weathered the seasons and the storms. We stand tall against all skies, the bright blue ones and the ones that are grey and daunting.
Yes my friend,we are as the mighty oaks.
Beautiful and majestic and vital in a very special way.
Who wouldn't want us!
Shabbat Shalom!
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