Thursday, March 31, 2016

What's in today's lesson?

I am a little out of sorts today and a bit of of my game. Try as I may to overcome this, I seem to keep stumbling over myself. My gait is off when I walk. My mood is just shy of energetic. I have sent a number of emails over the last 24 to 48 hours that have not been responded to leaving me in limbo on many items. I fear in one email that I sent today I offended a friend . All of these little tidbits have left me feeling unsure of myself and ultimately unsettled.
My work day is winding down. I do have a meeting to attend this evening which will prolong my day. All of this has left me very uncomfortable in my own skin. The good news is I am not taking out on the pantry. I am not foraging in the kitchen looking for a sedative to shove in my mouth. Instead I find myself actually having to address these feelings and finding some way to either overcome them or just let them go.
This is no easy feat.A bag of chips or pretzels would be much easier. Maybe a bowl of popcorn....or a can of nuts?
Anything would be better than sitting here and dealing with my feelings!
Alas, the sad part is I know better than to head into the kitchen in search of some magic meal to put all my stresses at rest.I will just have to work through it all.
I do miss the good old remedies.
A bowl of pasta.
A couple of slices.
Maybe some hummus and crackers.
Maybe all of the above!
Instead, I'll put up a pot of coffee.
I'll have an apple.
And maybe I will find a quiet spot to sit and reflect . Breath and compose myself.
If I had a bit more time, maybe hit the gym,however that does not seem to be in the cards for now.
These feelings of uncertainty that are swirling about are discomforting at the least, frustrating and even more,a bit debilitating. 
I know there is a lesson in all of this. I know eventually there will be a positive take away. That does not make my current place of being any easier.
You now what they say!
If it was easy, every one would do it!

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