Sunday, March 20, 2016

Happy Spring!

Yes today is the first day of Spring. And even though we are now hunkering down as Winter prepares to take one more shot at us this evening, the promise of the new season fills the air! As the Beatles song says..."'s been a long, long lonely Winter!". I'm not necessarily referring to the one on the calendar although my personal winter seems to have coincided directly with the traditional one. As Halloween 2015 drew to a close,so did my long running relationship with a significant vendor. Winter set in on the Northeast as well as my business.Now as Winter's go in New Jersey, this was not a particularly rough one. In fact, it was kind if mild. My own personal winter however was quite different.Storm after storm set in and the snow kept piling up. Just when I felt as if I could not tolerate anymore,another arctic blast ripped through my world.Soon,the drifts were so high I could not see anything other than mountains of white. My entire landscape was an endless blanket of frozen tundra.
As daunting as it was , the one thing that kept me going is that I knew no matter how deep the drifts got, no matter how chilled I became,Spring would eventually arrive.Survive the barren months and without question , another planting season would appear.
The last few days have brought signs that the new season is in fact making it's way into my life.Like the first robin of Spring or the buds that will soon adorn the tips of the tree branches,there are signs that my personal equinox is here.And as every farmer knows,this is the time when the work is the hardest, the days are the longest and the effort can be nothing less than 100%.
Even though the Sun seems brighter,there is still a chill in the air.
The ground is still rock hard and must be broken before seeds can be planted . And the long Winter has taken its toll and left our resources depleted.Still there is the hope and promise that the new season brings. And that is all I need to push on today ,tomorrow and for the days and tomorrows to come.
Shavua Tov!

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