Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Let the Force Be With You!

My day has been fraught with emails, texts and conversations which all revolved around what it is that people can't do.I can't watch what I eat, I can't find suitable food for my plan,I can't do this or that,'s all pretty annoying!
I want to just scream when I hear this stuff. 
Admittedly, not that long ago, I too would be guilty of choosing that same mindset.Thankfully today I know better.I understand that every thing is a matter of choice and the choices are mine.
What I eat, how I dress,, when I work out,who I work with and for,how I allocate my resources (time,money and energy),who I spend time with  and what I fill my life with.
My mentor Darren Hardy,'s message today also tapped into this same mindset. He explained that each one of us possess our own unique search engine. Our minds feed us information based on what we think about. We are our own Google!
If we think we can't....then we can't. If we believe something is a problem, it will be.I say simply reboot! It's just that easy. 
Obstacles?or Opportunities? 
Barriers? or Bridges?
Chance? or Choice?
These are the decisions I face daily. I don't always recognize them right away. There are times when that old mindset creeps in. Thankfully more often than not, I catch myself and work my way back . I find my URL bar and re-enter the data.I perform a new search until I bring myself back to a positive place. 
It is my Jedi moment. I use the force.
My life will manifest everything I think about.
The choice is simple. 
Choose happy.
Choose healthy
Choose successful.
 Choose winning!

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