Thursday, March 17, 2016

 Write On!

This was not exactly how  imagined wrapping up my first 1000 days might look like.It's been a number of days since I have sat down to write. Between running to handle some family health issues ,getting sick myself and traveling to Ft. Worth for a few days, I just have not found (read:made) the time. The biggest factor was probably how ill I was feeling. I have not been sick at all over the last 2 1/2 years. Whatever this intestinal thing was that hit me, was crippling. Flying and being away from home and not having access to foods I have become accustomed to exacerbated the situation even further.
Today I am back home. Today I am feeling much better. and after about 11 hours at my desk, I am starting to see the light at the end of the work load least for today.
I am feeling stronger as each hour passes today.I can't even begin to explain how good that feels.My family is having dinner and I am taking this quiet time for  myself, to write to you.Not eating,not feeling well, not being home actually pale in comparison to not writing.This is the one daily exercise that regenerates my soul.It's not just what I write. It's the whole entire tactile experience. Sitting at my desk,clicking away at the keyboard,my fingers tapping out a syncopated rhythm ,energizes me like nothing else. There is a musical quality to the sound it all generates.Like a musician ,whose body rises with the up stroke of the conductor's baton, so it is with my spirit and attitude as I begin tapping out my daily symphony of words.
Writing has become the musical score of my life. It excites me. It soothes me. It challenges me and it comforts me.I can express myself in ways that are reminiscent of how I felt when I was actively involved as a musician. 
Like a jazz musician, I may start at a certain point, however as with any really great riff, I never know exactly where it's going to end up. I just try and stay on key,close my eyes and let my inner me take me where ever I feel I want to go.
It really is cathartic
Sometimes when I am done, I feel warm. Some times I feel empty. And some times I feel energized. All I know is that each time, I feel good....really really good.
If music be the food of love....write on!

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