Back to Step One!
One of the tools often used in coaching is asking your client to think back to when life was good. What were they doing in those days that brought them success. When we retrace our steps and find our way back to those basics, invariably,we find more of that same energy that worked so well for us in the past. This is where I find myself today. My weight has been creeping up steadily since Thanksgiving.Would you care to see the list of excuses?
The NY Trade Show...
New Years...
The Halloween Show in New Orleans....
Another show in Nashville..
Blah blah blah!
All excuses. legitimate events.....of course.
Now I am taking the opportunity to find my way back to that wonderfully exciting place I was just a short while ago.
The same goes for my business.
I can document and detail the list of events that has me where I am today. Again, legitimate events, not excuses.
In both cases, my fiscal and my physical well being are being corrected by returning to using the tools and skills I have collected and developed along the way.
And when I see success,even the slightest incremental success, I am inspired . I find myself dedicating and rededicating myself to the mission at hand.
Back to Day 1 of this Journey....remember the quote?
"A journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step".
Now is the time for me to dig deep into my tool box and find all of the gems that somehow got buried over time.
Like riding a bicycle, you never forget how to use them.
I am sure that there will be less energetic days along the way. I am sure that there will be days that doubts and fears will creep in. I am sure that there will be times when I feel defeated or tired and maybe hopeless.
When I do, I will reread this .....and remind myself that I can , I have and I will feel that energy again.
It's what I do!
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