The Sky is Falling!
Or is it? All too often,when confronted with life's challenges, we immediately resort to this chicken little mentality. The sky is falling! The sky is falling!My cousin uses a term ,CATASTROPHISE.
That's what we tend to do. We get a bit of news and we catastrophize it.
The sky is falling!
We listen to the noise on the news channels.
The sky is falling!
We come across a bump in the road. You've got it...the sky once again is falling.
Did you ever have to work with someone who every time they are faced with a challenge their initial reaction is "we're FU@#ed!". I know someone like that. I know a lot of someones like that. I may at some point in my life been one of those some ones. And there may be times, even today, when my initial reaction to a new challenge is OMG!
The difference is today that initial reaction is momentary. Literally when it happens, it only lasts a moment. With in seconds, I take a step back,take a deep breath and start the process of course correction And yes it is always a process of course correction.
All too often I am bombarded with these catastrophic posts on Facebook. I am overwhelmed by news anchors belching out rhetoric of impending doom because of some perceived new catastrophic event .This creates a mass hysteria that invades the lines at the supermarket, or the bank or even just every day conversation.
"Did you is Monday....Tomorrow is going to be Tuesday OH NO!"
The truth is most catastrophes are preventable or at worst can be mitigated.
Earthquakes will happen. Don't build your house on a fault line!
Storms will pop up from time to time. Understand them, prepare for them and deal with them.
Strokes , heart attacks, cancer? They all happen.Deal with them.In fact, understanding that in many cases. like building your house on a fault line or the banks of a river we have set the stage for a future "catastrophic" event.
The same is true for our health.How well did you take care of yourself? What steps did you take to mitigate the onset of these conditions?
This is true of all aspects of our lives. Our health, our wealth, our relationships and in the end how we are remembered when we are gone.
How then can I prevent these things from happening/ I can't. I can only choose to work diligently every day to add us much value to my life and to take as many positive steps as I can to put me in the best position to deal with any and all of life's challenges.
Do you want to know what a catastrophe is....having left this Earth with out making a difference.
That is a catastrophe!
Nothing disturbs or saddens me more!
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