It's just past 8 p.m. and for he first time since 6:30 this morning I finally have some down time. After the gym this morning I tried to cut the lawn before going to work. I made 3 or 4 passes with the mower before giving in to the reality that the grass was just too wet to cut.
It was getting near 9 a.m. and I had to head out for my morning bus run.
Under the damp of the morning dew, I could feel the heat rising up from the ground below. This did not bode well for cutting the lawn on my return home when surely the Sun would be high in the noon sky and just beating down on me.
I was right!
I began cutting the front lawn just around noon and the heat from the damp ground was almost as oppressive as from the Sun above.
I finished cutting both the front and back yards just about 1 in the afternoon, just in time to make a quick lunch for every one.
When we finished lunch I began hacking away at the vines of ivy that were creeping into my yard from the neighbor behind. About 6 years ago , he planted trees in front of his fence so that he would not have to see or be bothered by my dogs. Unfortunately that left his over grown foliage and dilapidated fence as an eye soar in my yard.
These vines are reminiscent of something out of a Tarzan movie.
At least once a year I have to do battle with them and hack them to pieces.
I decided that today should be the day that I begin the reclamation of my property line.
After years of doing this , I know that there is shade at different times along the fence line. I can only work in the shaded area as the Sun is way too oppressive to accomplish anything.
I managed to get about 1/3 of the way through this task before I had to stop.
Then it was out front to edge the drive way and sweep it down. I have been cutting the lawn since early Spring and to be perfectly honest, I have been remiss in sweeping the driveway afterwards. Once again, I chose to address this today.It was just about 2:30 when I started this . The front of my house is bathed in bright sunshine from about 10:30 each morning until well after 6 p.m.
This may not have been the smartest time to tackle this chore but it had to get done.
At 3, I left for my afternoon run and after a quick trip to the market, I was home by 6, just in time to prepare diner.
After dinner I finished picking up after my yard work earlier in the day and that brought me up to just before 8, which I mentioned at the top is the first down time I have had all day.
Trust me,I am not complaining. I have come to realize that the by staying on top of these things, doing the cleaning,the maintenance and the up keep around the house is the only way to keep things from falling apart.
The more I do, the better it looks. The better it looks the more I want to stay after it. The more I stay after it the better it looks. It's a never ending process!
I am bushed!
Dirty, sweaty and yes, probably a bit stinky. Time for a shower and then a little bit of quiet time with my crossword puzzles!
Shavua Tov!
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