Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Today I get to pick up right where I left off yesterday. The calm of being under control and attending to a normal routine continues. Included in my new normal is a trip to the gym. Other than Sunday mornings,I have not been to the gym since mid-March.
No excuses,I just haven't.
I am a little bit nervous, a little bit excited and a little bit apprehensive.
I am not using my trainer but I did have a conversation with him. Always the optimist he is convinced that in a very short period of time muscle memory will kick in and I will quickly get back into the shape I was once in. 
He is much more optimistic than I am!
My action plan is to do 6 different apparatus today. 
Then tomorrow 6 more.
And the next day 6 more.
My plan is to work my way through the gym ,each day using some device, apparatus or piece of equipment that I have in the past. Believe it or not,at one point in time there were very few, less than a handful of machines, gadgets or accessories that I had not incorporated into my workouts.
Am I disappointed in myself?
Not really.
I made the choices.
I had the opportunity to change.
Clearly I chose to spend my resources on other activities. 
Today,I have made this a priority.

Today I can add this to my plate without heaping it on top of something else.
When I have tried to do this in the past,it became messy. 
I don't do well with messy!
I like order.
I like organized. 
Others thrive on mayhem.
Not me.
Like every thing else that I do in life,it's one thing at a time. 
Now is the time to get back to the gym.
As far as that disappointed thing.....I'll let you know after my workout!

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