Monday, July 17, 2017

Monday morning and off to South Jersey. After a bit of a reprieve yesterday,we have chosen to "do the right thing" and make our weekly pilgrimage. Trust me,the other option of a day at the beach was very tempting. 
Bottom line is the beach will always be there and.....well enough said.
I even tried to jam a few hours of sun time in before heading over to them.
A lack of planning om ,y part probably sabotaged that.
Even after deciding to forgo the shore, there was still an opportunity to head out and get in some rays.
The whole thing seemed just a bit to forced and would have meant some fairly finite , exact moves something 30 years of marriage has taught me never really seems to happen.
Instead of creating a chaotic frenzied trip, I have opted to pass on our excursion and find alternative ways to spend my day,including writing to you.
I have an important phone call to make later in the day, one that I want to be in a quiet, uninterrupted state for.
Sitting on the beach would have been just the thing. 
Instead I'll probably find some corner to steal away to where I can concentrate and not be interrupted.
A lunch date with Susan will take the place of the beach date. 
All good!
Maybe next week, weather permitting,I'll plan a little better and we can make this happen.
It would be nice however if every once in a while spontaneous could be part of my world.
 Okay ,one can always dream!

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