Looks like it is going to be a pretty nice day here today. The Sun is shining and the skies are mostly clear.After the drenching we took yesterday, we can certainly use a drying out period.
It's kind of a quiet day for me. After dropping Susan at the shop, I made a bank run before returning home and doing some laundry.
We have had some flooding issues with our washer lately.
Today is the first time we have tried using the machine in a couple of weeks.I am happy to report that all went well.
Not only that, but while watching over the beast to make sure that things were going smoothly, I had the opportunity to pick up around the laundry room.
There is this tendency for piles to accumulate over time.
I decided to attack some of this today. Lo and behold, buried in one of these piles were 5 pairs of slacks that have been missing from my wardrobe for months. I am not sure where they came from or how they ended up buried with a number of sheets and pillow cases.
None the less, I will take them along with 1 nice summer dress shirt to the dry cleaners and add them to my closet.
There is another mystery basket for me to go through as well.
Who knows what gems I might find in that?
I decided to go through my dresser as well given that I will probably find a few things that should be put away in there.
Why do I own 7 black t-shirts , all size medium?
I don't really wear t-shirts.
( I think my wife is having an affair with a biker who is slight of build!)
I know it's nice outside , however I have the feeling that the majority of my day will be spent indoors.
We have a bbq we are attending tomorrow and I have to prepare some veggie platters and a fruit salad.
More indoor work.
This purging of the laundry room will also keep me inside for a bit of time.
No big deal. The grass was cut earlier this week and everything is still fairly damp from yesterday's downpour.
The one outside project I really want to get at is cleaning out and organizing my shed.
If it doesn't get to hot, that may be on the agenda later in the day
Come to think of it, when I accomplish all of this today I will have had an awfully successful and productive day for a quiet day.
Time to have at it!
Shabbat Shalom!
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