Today is day 30 of this current 40 day cycle.
My how time flies when you are having fun!
Actually, time does fly when you are committed to something and have a positive attitude and approach to the task at hand.
Last week after I had written about not knowing what all of this personal growth and personal development stuff was doing for me I had the opportunity to discuss it with a friend,colleague,mentor and confidante.
Actually after reading my daily rant, he called me just to discuss this very matter.
His take on the situation was quite different than mine. In my writing, I had posed the question"what good is all of this stuff I write about and learn about doing".
He suggested that I take a step back and acknowledge to myself that if even one person who reads my emails has even 1 positive take away, I have made a difference in someone's life.
If the daily quote that I share with you makes some one's day better or challenges them to think or offers someone comfort, then I have made a difference.
He also brought up the dreaded book!
You remember the book that I am supposed to be working on.
To say I have been remiss in moving forward with this would be a gross understatement.
Probably because I'm just not feeling it.
I'm not feeling the "why" behind completing it.
And without a why,is there really any reason to do something?
Strengthened by this conversation with my friend and combined with the fact that I find myself in a really good frame of mind, I decided to do something today that I have not done in quite a long time.
I stepped out of my comfort (spelled L-A-Z-Y) zone and invited someone new to join my email list. It has been on my mind for months, yet somehow, I felt it would somehow be unacceptable for me to even broach the subject.
F-E-A-R set in.
False Evidence Appearing Real.
Bottom line is what is the worst case scenario?
They could say no.
Okay ..........move on!
The good news is today my email list grew again for the first time in what seems like forever.
Who knows.....maybe I'll ask someone else tomorrow!
Have an awesome day!
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