Day 28
It has been almost 4 years since I began my Journey to lose weight. It's also just about 3 years since I did my first 40 day cycle.In those 3 years not only have I done multiple cycles, I have also coached and followed countless others who are using the same protocols. Hundreds and hundreds of clients and all with similar pitfalls ,challenges ups and downs and ultimately all with similarly amazing results.
In that time the one standout anomaly has been my own experience.All of our clients hit plateaus. All of our clients experience occasional weight gains, blips on the radar screen. A pound up can be a result of a number of variables.
Have you gone to the bathroom?
Did you drink enough water?
Did you get enough rest?
Did you stay completely on plan?
Ultimately my final response to each and everyone of them is"...stay on plan! Let's see what tomorrow brings."
On our program, not eating enough calories can inhibit weight loss. When our clients get stuck one of the first things we do is check to see if they are getting enough calories. In many cases we find that in fact we suggest adding 50-100 calories. The body is asking for more fuel to keep the fat burning engines going.
The one exception to this very consistent pattern has been myself. For some unknown reason, from time to time, I experience unnatural and unbelievable weight swings for what seems like no apparent reason. Example: this weekend on both Friday and Saturday I found that by day's end I had fallen way short of my caloric goals. One might think that this would impede weight loss, not cause me to gain 4.5 pounds!Were it not for my knowledge of my history with this after having lived with and monitored this for years now,I would have been completely freaking out !
Instead, I chose to follow the plan, institute a plateau breaker and continue on my merry way.
It's not easy.
It can ,and in the past has been , very disheartening.
Rather than choosing to be disheartened , I prefer to be motivated.
Roll up my sleeves and have at it.
Hunker down and make sure that I am following the plan.
Double check myself when it comes to portion size,eating on time and drinking enough.
After an apple day, the 4 pounds have once again vanished.
12 more days to this current cycle.
It's not about the numbers anymore.
It's all about the commitment!
(okay and maybe the skinny jeans!)
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