Friday, May 5, 2017

Day 11
How Am I Doin' Friday and I am doing just great!
I must admit, I have been unreasonably hard on myself lately.
This is day 11 of my current 40 day cycle.
 The numbers on the scale are changing.
 I am being diligent in following the program. 
I am noticing changes.
All great stuff!
Yet, I find myself saying"yeah....but I'm just taking off what I put on....".
It feels like a giant do over.
That is so unfair of me to do to myself!
We all gain and lose weight. 
Some of us more than others.
For myself, weight just jumps on.
I can gain pounds over night.
It just happens.
I also know that for months now, I have made the choice, keyword choice, to eat whatever I want whenever I want. That doesn't mean going wild as if it were my last days on Earth.
For me it meant living and eating,. Not eating to just live or living to eat. 
I said no to food by choice and I said yes (more times than I will admit) to eating foods that I know are not my best choices.
And I lived through it.
The clothes I am wearing today for the most part are the clothes I wore 3,4 5 and 6 months ago. 
No they are not the clothes I wore a year and a half ago when I hit my rock bottom weight.
Who cares!
The important part to me is that I have now chosen to do something about my weight.
I have made the conscious decision that now is the time to address what I currently deem important to me.
Earlier this year I read the book Peaks and Valleys by Spencer Johnson. 
I can honestly say that today I am climbing to another summit.
On my Journey,I have wandered about and found myself on the valley floor. I have even chosen to enjoy my time with the other villagers who live in the valley.
I have enjoyed my time with them and shared much,including food and as well as good times.
It is however time for me to continue on my way.
The Journey is far from over and the highest peaks have yet to be conquered.
I suppose I could hang out in the valley for a while. Maybe even forever. For some people, the valley is good enough. 
Valleys can be comfortable. They can be safe and meet our needs .
For me, the view from the summit is always going to call to me.
If there is a mountain,I always feel the need to climb it.
And I do this knowing that eventually I will end up in a valley again, only to find myself working hard to climb yet another mountain.
Shabbat Shalom!

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