Saturday, May 13, 2017

Day 19
There are times when I am sure that The Universe is trying to send me a message.
Take today for instance. My quote of the day was "Success is not always what you see." My word of the day from my mentor John Maxwell waas "PROGRESS".
On a dreary, rainy, chilly Saturday morning, there seems to be a message I should pay attention to in these offerings.
My latest challenge is some major car repairs that have come up unexpectedly.
Quite honestly, I have no idea how I will pay for this or if they are even warranted on this vehicle.
Heaping this on top of the already overtaxed cash flow this month is daunting to put it mildly. 
By the types of dreams I had last night and the level of anxiousness that I woke up with this morning, I know this is weighing heavily on me.
I also know that just as in the past, this too shall pass.
I used to view these as struggles that affected my life.
Today I realize that they are merely episodes in a very long story.
And you and I know that all great stories always have a happy ending!
Shabbat Shalom!

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