Sunday, May 7, 2017

Day 13
My mentor John Maxwell's word of the day is commitment.
Perfect timing!
These Sunday drives to South jersey to visit with Susan' parents are at best tiresome.
Visiting the in-laws has never been "fun".
Now dealing with them as seniors with their multitude of challenges, fun is not even on the richter scale.
Add to this the general ambiance of an assisted living facility .
None of this is energetic in any shape or fashion.
Still every Sunday, we make this trip.
All in, it eats up probably 7 or 8 hours of the middle of the day.
I can't say it's something we look forward to each week. 
We just do it.
 And we are committed to keep doing this.
I look around at my life and notice there are other commitments that I have that are as draining as these visits.
My sister has been living with us for going on 3 years now.
This commitment is certainly one that I could have done without.
However,a commitment is a commitment.
There are others.
I could choose to walk away from any of these commitments.
I am sure that there are some cases where I may just do that in the near as well as distant future.
Before I do,there will be a lot of soul searching. 
At some point, I know that these things change. Some by choice and others by circumstance.
Commitment is sticking with these choices I have made until that time for change becomes clear.
 I am comfortable with that knowledge.
And I remain as always committed.
Shavua Tov!

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