Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Day 29
The scale did not budge one iota from yesterday to today. 
That's great news!
It has been my history that on the day following a plateau breaker I experience a "correction" of sorts . As I get back to my normal protocols for the 40 day cycle,adding much more water and such,I normally give back some of the success that came my way the day before. That did not happen this time.
I am choosing to accept that as a victory of sorts and move on.
Today is a bit of a regrouping day for me. I spent a few hours last evening rearranging my work station. 
Desks and other furniture got moved and computers were disconnected,unplugged, wires rerun and then every thing got put back together.
By the time I went to bed, I was up and running and ready for a fresh start today.
Now it's simply a matter of adjusting to the new setup.
I am watching as a flurry of emails keeps popping up on my screen this morning. 
All business related.All very important and fairly critical. There are deadlines to be met and packaging that needs approval. There are logistical challenges complicated by communication issues,time differences between here and China as well as West coast East coast time differences. 
And all I can do is read the emails and wait and watch for others to follow up.
In the past, a situation such as this would have filled me with anxiety. 
Like chicken little I would have been besides myself hoping that the sky was in fact not about to fall on me. 
That's just not happening to me this time.
I read the email,set it aside and wait for the person who has the appropriate information to respond.
Fortunately for me, that seems to be occurring in a timely fashion.
In fact, I wish all of my email correspondence and text messages were addressed this well.
It reminds me of a time in college. I was the producer of our Fall musical,Cabaret. 
The production was over the top!
For many of us, it was our crowning achievement after having dealt with all sorts of challenges en route to opening night.
Here I was sitting in the balcony .
I had done all I could do. 
There was nothing left for me to attend to.
I sat back in my seat,took in a deep breath, let it out slowly and did the only thing I could at that point.......enjoy the show!
I did  and then reveled at the sight of a standing ovation and multiple curtain calls.
It doesn't get much better than that!

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