Saturday, January 30, 2016

Taking control!

Today is definitely turning into a catch up/catch my breath day.I have already had a fairly full day (it's 2 pm). I don't feel overwhelmed or "busy". Methodically, I have run errands,worked out, and accomplished a number of chores and tasks. I have not yet done anything that will serve to prepare me for next week. I have been productive.
A lazier me would just plop myself on the the couch, turn on the boob tube and veg out for the rest of the day. 
However, with the house basically to myself, I can use a good part of the afternoon for prep time for Monday.This down time is surely welcome as I am so misaligned with my own needs and wants at this point . The break in the continuous action will allow me an opportunity to sit back,think,contemplate regroup and eventually begin to plan.
First on my to -do's will be a clean desk top. Then ,with a crisp clean pad of paper, the lists will start.
 What do I want to accomplish?
Who do I want to reach out to?
What are my immediate goals?
Who do I reach out to first?
What falls under the category of urgent?
Who can wait until later in the week?
What are my priorities?
Who did I not get back too?
My desk is an L-shape. I have a monthly planner on each desktop.The current month in front of me and the next month on my right side. Today I will start answering all of the above by beginning to fill in dates and deadlines on the February calendar to my right.Monday morning that calendar will move from my side to front and center on my desk.I will the tear off the January calendar in front of me,and place the March calendar to my right once again.
It's easy to get overwhelmed. It is easy to forget things.It is easy to sit back and let life run you over.
It is much more productive to take control. 
If I have said it once,I must have said it a thousand times by now.....
Do I want my life to lead me or do I want to lead my life?
Victim or victor?
It's all a mater of choice!

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