Monday, January 4, 2016

I can't even begin to tell you how excited I got when I saw my Minute with Maxwell's word of the day today 
Wow! What a sense of validation! I sat back in my chair looked towards the heavens and smiled!How's that for starting of my new year!
Pretty freakin' awesome!

Not looking to dampen my spirits, I did want to chat with you about something that has come up for me lately.
"Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves...."
Matthew 7:15

Don't get alarmed..... I am not a bible thump-er.It's the start of a new year and I am being bombarded by new you schemes and fad diets. Commercials blare "be the best you ever".Oprah promises me that after decades of obesity,yo-yo-ing on Weight Watchers who knows how may times, they have finally figured it out!
Turbo shakes and gut cleansers and 21 different containers all know the secret formula to a new healthy slimmer trimmer you.
Pardon me s#!t!
"Change your life in 40 days!".
Ain't happening!
Start changing your life today. Lose some weight in 40 days. Okay!
Change is an ongoing process. One that I have to work on....daily. Change is growth!If we are not growing we are in fact dying!
It will not come in a pill or a tonic or by any other voodoo. It takes work . It takes commitment.It takes effort and it takes a lot of energy.
I have been in network marketing.I love the atmosphere. The hoopla, the loud music, the inspirational and motivational speeches. It's an awesome energy.
What happens when the music stops? 
What happens when the rah rah is missing?
What happens when you are alone?
I'll tell you what happens.....
Nothing unless you are willing to roll up your sleeves, pull up your big boy pants and get to work!
Darren Hardy hit he nail on the head today. 
Get Pissed!
Take control of your life!
Whatever my situation is I have no one to hold accountable other than myself!
It's not mommy and daddy's fault.It's not my teacher's fault.It's not my religious upbringing. It's not my old boss or some grand plan that the Universe has cursed me with.
It is my responsibility to make myself anything I want to be. It is my responsibility to build the life I want. Lose the weight,grow my fortune,find my passion. It's on me.
No one brings me opportunity. I am surrounded by it.
Water,sun,seed and soil .
Go plant your crops!
Okay....I am climbing down from my soap box!
I just really had to get that off of my chest.
Thanks for listening!
Time to be a farmer again.....

Outstanding in my field!

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