Monday, January 18, 2016

Hoist the sails!

I have absolutely no energy today.I am achy,sore and my arthritis is really making its presence known.In a which came first scenario ,I don't know if my lethargy is based in my discomfort or my discomfort is exacerbated by my blah mood and energy level.
There are days when I have that extra pep in my step.I love those days. On those days I know I am firing on all cylinders.My sails are wide open and the breeze is propelling me, full speed ahead!
Then there are days when I find myself constantly adjusting my sails to find enough wind to keep everything moving. These are days where my seamanship is tested. The challenge to make the adjustments necessary is stimulating and ultimately rewarding  when the sails are trimmed in perfect harmony with the forces surrounding me.
And then there are days like today, when skill is less of the determining factor and effort becomes the driving force.I could choose to relent,in hopes of a better tomorrow, or dig deep and call upon all of my resources to break these doldrums.
It happens.
There are just going to be days like this.
It is inevitable.
That does not mean that I have to exist in that state and let it control the course of my day. When I do, that day can become those days ,which can become that week which before you realize it has become a period of time.Soon it affects the way I show up for life plotting a course that will surely get me nowhere.
Instead,I choose to call upon all I know, all I've learned,all I have encountered and all of the resources I have in my arsenal to break through and move beyond this malaise.
I never said it's easy.
I just know it's possible.

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