I suppose if I were so inclined I could gripe about a whole boat load of things. My weight,the weather,my finances,my time management,the general direction of my life etc.etc. etc.
Instead I find myself excited about the opportunities that each of these arenas have in store.The potential for change and growth is unlimited.Understanding that not one of these is life threatening and that change is incremental, makes it all seem so easy.
Evolutionary vs. Revolutionary.
Today, evolutionary , gradual methodical change is my best course of action.
With no proverbial gun to my head,the upheaval that revolutionary drastic change brings is unnecessary. Developing a sensible forward plan that brings about steady progress is much more effective than turning the world upside down and then dealing with the consequences of that action.There may be a time, place and need for that revolutionary change. It's just not where I am right now.
Standing still is not an option either.
Change is inevitable!
Without a plan, change will happen ,and probably not in a good way.
That is why, I spend so much time and energy addressing every opportunity to keep moving in a positive direction.All around me I hear"Make 2016 the best year of your life!"Well of course that's what we want.But it doesn't happen just by wanting it. I have to work at it.
And that is exactly what I am doing on this How am I doin' Friday!
Shabbat Shalom!
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