Saturday, January 16, 2016

Change is a good thing!

Change makes me uncomfortable. 
During periods of change nothing seems to fit right. Things do not line up they way I am used to. Everything seems off center during times of change.
The scary part is that I am learning to enjoy these uneasy feelings.
It reminds me that I am shifting once again. There is transformation taking place.Stormy waters today means that there is smooth sailing someplace ahead of me.
Yesterday I did not write. We are continuing the process of converting our old office into a new work space and moving the old into my home office.That move included switching computers. This required more than unplugging one and plugging in the new one. It meant saving,downloading and reinstalling all sorts of programs. It also afforded me the opportunity to update new technologies and software,
All changes which I am very uncomfortable with. Resetting passwords,remembering old passwords, recreating shortcuts and all sorts of other simple tasks that I haven't had to deal with in years.Before this move, I simply sat at my computer, clicked on a preset icon and it instantly brought me to the task I wanted to complete.
Now I am starting all of this anew.I can't find this and I can't find that. I am looking for this and I am missing the other thing.So much new ,I don't even know what I am missing. Yet I know that all of this is a positive as I move on to the next iteration of how I do what I do.
In the past, the frustrations that accompany a move such as this were so painful that I would avoid the move for as long as possible. That would be followed by periods of discomfort and moodiness.
Today I recognize that change brings these uncomfortable feelings. Trust me, they are still frustrating. I just handle them better. I know that they are harbingers of a better way for me to be. My innate urge to resist these changes has shifted to a desire to work through them as I grow .
Even more amazing to me, is that here I am, just a few short days before leaving town for our biggest trade show of the year and I decided it was time to keep upsetting the apple cart.
 Maybe we could have left this move to when we get back? 
Maybe  we should have waited for a quieter time? 
Maybe the office conversion could wait another month....or until Spring time? 
Maybe we should wait until we get back to turn our attention to opening the new shop?
Or maybe , just maybe, we should listen to more Nike commercials!
I know my friend Wayne will read this and once again send me to a link he has shared with me on more than one occasion! And once again I will listen to it and remind myself to JUST DO IT!
Change is Good!
Shabbat Shalom!

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