Addictions by their very nature control our lives.By definition, they become things we can't live without.They may start out casually, even recreational. At first they may even be good for you such as pain meds or anxiety medications. What harm is there in a drink with a friend or colleague?
Little by little, you find that you seek the pleasurable feeling more and more. Before you know it, to achieve the same high, you need more of what ever it is that you are addicted to. Without it, you feel depressed,unhappy and out of sorts.
You want more...and you want it to bring you even higher. Yet, you need a stronger dose just to sustain what you already have, never mind what it would take to elicit those feelings of euphoria you are seeking.
I am an addict.
My addiction.....creating awesome!
I just love bringing joy to people. I love creating environments and experiences that are awesome, not just pleasurable.
Memorable is good,unforgettable is better!
Tied into that same addiction is building things.
Taking a dream, creating a vision and following through to a reality.
I have played many roles on stage, yet nothing was more gratifying than producing a show.
Add insurmountable odds to the equation and I light up like the skies on the 4th of July!
I realized just how addicted to this process I am this weekend. I am in the throws of setting up a new business with my wife and daughter. For me. it's not a money thing....I certainly will not be able to retire or even fill the gaps in my revenue stream that I am searching for. It's about the process. It's about creating. It's about bringing a dream to something tangible.
It's turning why not into booyah!
In the grand scheme of things, this project is not monumental in size. When I am involved in the process, I am on fire. However,because it is not a 24/7 type of project for me, I find that after the high, I come crashing back down to the sober reality of my life.....craving more and more and more of the action!
You may think that there are worse addictions to deal with Possibly......but right now,not from where I am sitting!
There is a little voice inside of me keeps repeating "there must be more!
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