Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Keep Calm!

Today has the potential to become one of those days that becomes a runaway freight train. I wear many hats, in many different arenas. After a week away, a week in which all of the folks I interact with were also preoccupied,every one is knocking at my door today. I can see how if I am not vigilant and centered, these little fires can become a raging inferno very quickly.
Yesterday, I was amazed at how much I was able to get done simply by shutting out any extra curricular requests or noise.I handled the very few agenda items I knew required my immediate attention. Then , I simply disengaged from outside interference. It created a calm work space mentally for me to operate in.
On the plane ride home from New Orleans, I finished listening to Darren Hardy's "The Compound Effect". Towards the end ,he spoke about his daily routines and how well they serve him One of those routines is to start his day with a list of the 3 things he wants to accomplish during the day. At the end of the day, he makes time to make sure that these 3 things were accomplished. These bookends to his day were the key to determining how successful his day was.No matter how out of control the middle of his day becomes, starting with a set of "must do's"and ending the day knowing that they were taken care of , makes all of the difference in gauging his productivity.
I am constantly reminded as well as amazed that after all of the work I have done over a fairly extended period of time, that getting back to basic routines is fundamental to success.Developing these strong foundations to build on is an ongoing,ever evolving process.It can be exhausting, when I realize how far astray I can and have become from these practices. It is no different than good health habits or healthy food protocols. Diligently adhering to these work routines will ultimately serve the health of my business. 
Not to mention the stress it will relieve as well.

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