Saturday, July 4, 2020

WHy did I say anything?

“We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home.”
Edward R. Murrow
Remember the other day when I happened to mention something about a nest egg?
Why did I open my big mouth?
That egg just got a big crack in it.
Max took my Jeep to pick up some essentials for the holiday weekend.
A short while later,here comes the S.O.S. call.
"Your car started making the clanging noise and began bucking like crazy...."
Bottom line?
Blown engine!
Option 1: used guarantees and about $4000.
Option 2: rebuilt engine.......about $6000 on a car that is 18 years old and probably has some other surprises in store for me based on the whining noise in the rear and just because it's 18 years old.
I'll take what behind the curtain Johnie!
Time to get a new vehicle.
Well not new new. New would mean a) a deposit,b) monthly payments and c) a significant hike in my insurance.
I'm just not ready for that yet and given the limited usage we are and have been experiencing since the beginning of the quarantine, something used and dependable sounds like the way to go.
But seriously,did I have to say anything about a nest egg?
The good news is I have an affordable budget in mind that won't wipe out the "nest egg" and should allow me to find something that will suit our current needs.
In fact, I was supposed to go look at a vehicle today. It's been put off until Monday.
There is no rush.
I am not under any pressure to buy just anything and I am certain something will pop up.
Me and my big mouth!
Shavua Tov!

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