Thursday, July 9, 2020

Civics & Civility

“Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.”
Og Mandino
50 years ago, the high school I attended did away with a course called civics.
Civics was a social studies course that taught the basics of what every citizen of this country should know. Civics is the study of citizenship and government. This course provides students with a basic understanding of civic life, politics, and government, and a short history of government's foundation and development in this country.
I imagine in those turbulent times of change,some genius thought it made sense to do away with civics for a more relevant course of study.
Dumb idea!
I see the results of this decision daily. I am amazed at just how uninformed and ill informed the generations that were to follow this choice to do away with civics are when it comes to the basics of our democracy.
It's a course that should not only be brought back,it should be mandatory for graduation!
And while they are at it,while we are "re-thinking" how to educate our youth post covid,how about adding a course called civility-a study in common decency.
Wouldn't that be a breath of fresh air!
Add an english course that teaches basic grammar and sentence structure as well!
Wouldn't that make for a more civilized way of life.
Somehow we have lost our way.
I for one, am deeply saddened by this.
I saw it coming quite some time ago.
I recall saying to a friend many years ago that I wanted to write a book called Goodness to live a gracious life through gratitude.
Imagine a world in which all lives matter as well as how you live that life.
What a concept!

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