Friday, July 24, 2020

How Am I Doin' Friday

“The less I take the difficulties of my life as personal affront, and the more I use them as an opportunity to learn and grow...
the easier I sleep at night.”
Mary Anne Radmacher
Today is day 5 of my 40 day program.
Not much to report.
I've done this before and I am sure I will do it again in the future.
I have been at this weight thing for so long that I no longer get excited or upset by what the scale says.
As I said to my brother, it's a grind.
It's the first time I have done the program under "quarantine".
That certainly has added a new dimension to things.
There are no social engagements to work around.
Grabbing "something" on the go is not part of my routine since it would require wearing a mask.
I am hoping that the limits that the Covid protocols have imposed on my life will actually be a positive thing during these 40 days.
So that part of my life is doing just fine.
I have been much more diligent about keeping up with the whole moving around thing.
I'm not running marathons or anything like that, however, I do make the extra EFFORT to do rather than to not do.
So I suppose that this part of my life is doing just fine as well.
The part of my life where I was having some trepidation was once again with my writing.
The whole angry thing has become a bit of an issue for me. So much so that I began questioning whether or not I should continue to write .
I contemplated taking a break.
That was until I received an email from someone yesterday thanking me once again for sharing.
I rarely hear from her,however she shared that she reads my emails daily..
She also shared how much they mean to her and how much they help.
So there you go. That's all I needed to hear. You're stuck with me!
At least for the immediate future.
Oh come on.....that's not really such a bad thing is it?
Shabbat Shalom!

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