Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Here we go again!

“You can easily judge the character of others by how they treat those who can do nothing for them or to them.”
Malcolm S. Forbes
I just got an email informing me that the school district where I teach my adult education classes will only be offering online access for the Fall semester.
What Bulls#!t!
I have had enough with this social distancing/mask wearing nonsense.
And for anyone who is saying "David stop being so angry" I say why?
Why should I not be angry.
You say "The science says".
Others say"no it doesn't".
I say,adults should be able to figure out a way be personally aware and responsible.
I teach in a normal size classroom.
I have 4-8 people per class.
Certainly never more than 10.
If responsible adults can't figure out how to safely interact in that type of setting we are doomed.
If you want to have temperature checks on the way into the building,okay, I get that.
Probably not a bad idea.
But all of the rest of it is like throwing darts at a dart board blindfolded and in the dark,
something any normal person who has even a modicum of self awareness and personal responsibility probably wouldn't do either.
If a person chooses to err on the side of caution,to wear a mask, to not get closer than 6',to wear a rubber body suit, that's their choice.
My choice is to lead my life as close to what I consider normal as I can.
If I am teaching a yoga class,and I don't wear a mask and you can't live with that, don't take my yoga class. There are probably other yoga classes you can take.
Not since my college days have I ever gotten behind the wheel of a car with any alcohol in my system.
I am willing to bet that I am the exception rather than the norm when I say that.
Talk about socially irresponsible.
I listened quietly to a Zoom call the other day.
I heard all of the sky is continuing to fall rhetoric that I have been subject to for 5 months now.
I am so done with it.
So do me a favor,stop telling me that this shouldn't make me angry. It does.
And unfortunately I have to put up with it.
Not by choice but by edict.

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