Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Not so much today

"The way we do anything is the way we do everything. "
On a day that started with the scale not being very friendly to me, yesterday was quite an enjoyable day.
For some unknown reason, I had plenty of energy.
The aches and pains that normally start the minute I get out of bed, weren't all that bad.
The shirt I picked for the day wasa bit more form fitting than I like , however,I actually felt good about it and the way it looked on me.
On my bus route,traffic seemed to flow nicely. Every traffic signal seemed to turn green as I approached.
Even the other drivers on the highways and byways were acting in a considerate manner.
It was day 8 on the program and my meals were tasty,plentiful and satisfying.
I was upbeat and yes, it was an enjoyable day.
Today,well, not so much.
The scale was actually much nicer to me today than it was yesterday.
However from there things seemed to come apart.
Nothing horrible mind you.
Just slightly out of whack.
I wrote about this phenomenon a while ago.
I call it the stub your toe phenomen.
You know ,one of those days when the first thing you do in the morning is stub your toe.
After that, you notice your sock has a hole in it.
The shirt you picked out has a stain on it.
You get the picture.
That is the kind of day I have been having.
On my bus route, each and every pot hole seemed deeper. Every manhole cover seemed to have been raised 2 inches.
And it felt as if someone had replaced all 4 of my tires with cinder blocks.
Traffic was unyielding.
There was a garbage truck or landscaper's truck or some service vehicle around every corner.
Physically, I just felt out of sorts.
I caught myself on numerous occasions taking a deep cleansing breath just to steady my nerves, to no avail.
The good news is that I recognized all of this early on.
I didn't get frustrated by it. I didn't fight it.
I didn't even question it.
Instead I hunkered down, carried on, finished my run and came home and laid down for an hour.
Just enough time to hit the pause button.
I didn't go to my computer to check emails.
I didn't empty my bag which I do at the end of my daily run.
I just laid down.
After an hour or so, I got up.
I did some dishes.
I put away some things that needed to go in the fridge.
I prepared some lunch and sat down for some more quiet time.
No pressure.
No goals other than to get past whatever cosmic abnormalities were affecting me.
Funny thing is that this too is starting to feel like an enjoyable day as well!

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