When I got back from the gym this morning I turned the coffee pot back on and sat down at my computer hoping to take advantage of the quiet time before my Sunday began. Today would be a perfect day for us to hang around the house. There is ,as always, cleaning to be done ,and I could use a few hours at my desk to clean up the current project I am working on.A day like that would really help to set the foundation for the upcoming week.
As I started to write,I hear a rustling in the kitchen. I looked up to see that Susan was already showered and dressed and ready to get our Sunday under way, which means,getting our butts in gear and heading out to South Jersey.
Oh well, so much for a productive quiet day at home!
Not that this was not the plan for the day all along.
I had just gotten myself caught up in the "wouldn't it be nice" alternate reality that exists.
Yes, it does exist. I do, we do, have choices.
And we choose to do our part by driving down to visit with her parents on Sundays.
It is not always convenient. We find ourselves working around their not our schedule.
Lunch at the facility is at noon and lasts about an hour. There is no sense in our getting there before lunch,so working backward, from the end of lunch, the ideal time to leave North Jersey is 11 am.
I get back from my workout at 8:30.
Do the math. There are 2 1/2 hours in between my return and our departure.
Writing takes me about an hour.
Having just come back from the gym, a shower is in order.
Grabbing a cup of coffee,I am dressed and ready by say 10.
Now we have 1 hour until we hit the road .The next 8 hours are consumed by our visit and the travel time back and forth. Preparing and eating dinner and before you know it ,it's well after 8 pm and Sunday has vanished. I am not a big fan of starting new projects at 8 o'clock at night.
It's all about me management. (Note I did not say time management). Time as we know is constant. I am the one that must make adjustments.
I am sure that once the weather breaks, Sunday mornings will include cutting the grass and cleaning up the yard.
My use of the free time I have will be much more productive. In the meantime, I will continue to tread water until I figure it out and make the adjustments that will help me feel less frustrated by my inability to use this valuable resource ,time, effectively and efficiently.
For now, I'm going to go grab that cup of coffee, take a shower, get dressed including making sure that I put on my happy face !
Shavua Tov!
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