Thursday, March 16, 2017

Happiness is........

This weekend my brother will be attending the World Happiness Summit in Miami.Personally, I'm not sure how this ended up in Miami when Orlando and Disney World (billed as the World's happiest place) is right up the road!
Nonetheless, Miami it is.
Imagine...a happiness summit.
All sorts of leaders,gurus,and other individuals will be gathering together for a weekend of exploring and explaining and experiencing happiness. 
The whole concept seems fascinating to me.
Please don't misconstrue my fascination as a desire to attend this event.
I can not imagine participating in a happiness summit at this point in my life.
Some day? 
Not something or somewhere you would expect to find me at.
It did grant me pause this morning to think about the concept of happiness and what makes me happy.
What does make me happy?
That's an easy one.
I make me happy.
No one else can make me happy.
Nothing external makes me happy.
Happy I have learned,thanks in no small part to my brother, is a choice and one that I make a lot more often nowadays than in the past.
I would be less than honest if I said that it is a choice I choose daily.
There are days when I revert to the "old" David and get caught up in the cursed house that once held me captive.
I can say that those days happen less and less and that more times than not,I find myself choosing happy.
Are there things that bring me joy?
Of course there are.
Are there people who bring a smile to my face?
Are there events ,movies,music,foods or other stimuli that lift my spirits?
Sure there are!
However, when it comes to being happy,that is always my choice.
The last few days the weather has been miserable. I heard a lot of complaining about it.
It's an atmospheric has nothing to do with my happiness!
My foot has been killing me since late last week. It has been painful and more than just uncomfortable. Imagine how miserable I would feel if somehow I let that pain and inconvenience determine my happiness?
My foot has nothing to do with happy.
In coaching we often say pain is inevitable,suffering is a choice. The same goes for happy!
I certainly didn't choose pain, however I still had the option of choosing happiness.
I do wish I could be a fly on the wall in Miami this weekend.
I have this picture in my head of different schools of happiness people with their placards or booths or buttons all grouped together.
 On one side of the room,all of those who subscribe to the"don't worry ,be happy" group.
In another corner,the "happiness is...." group.
Maybe my brother and his "Choose Happy" platoon will have their own section.
Walgreens whose slogan is "at the corner of happy and healthy" might even be a sponsor!
Like I said, the whole concept is fascinating.
Until recently happy was not viewed as a science.
Make no mistake, it is that and a whole lot more today. 
If you doubt me,just take a peek at what is going on in Miami this weekend and who is attending this shin dig.
It's a big deal and getting bigger.
All of this makes me smile.
 It brings me joy.
 It gives me hope.
 And I make the choice to be happy!

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