Monday, March 20, 2017

Another "Woe is me" day?

If Saturday's have become "me" days, Sundays have become "Woe is me!" days.Basically, they are lost days to me.Immediately after my morning workout, Susan and I jump in the car, spend 4 or more hours with her parents at their new place and then drive the hour and a half back home where we first have to start planning and making dinner.By the time I have a minute to myself, it is nearing 8 o'clock, hardly the time of day that I want to get started on anything new.That is how my Sundays go and that's that!I am not complaining, just stating the facts.
Today is the first official day of Spring.The sky is bright and sunny.The day started off with a bi of a chill and has warmed to a pleasant 45 degrees. Tomorrow it may reach into the 50's.
Mother Nature is letting us know that change is in the air. The Universe, it seems, also had a message to share with me today. From the gitgo, my day has met challenges.
Everything thing I attempted today seemed to meet with some degree of challenge that on most days just does not exist. The day started with my glasses not being on my desk. They are always on my desk. I leave got it.....on my desk. If I take them from my desk, I return them to my desk. They were just gone today!
There also was a problem with Time-Warner, te cable company. any number I tried calling in their system was met with the message"all lines are busy , pleas try your call again later". All of my passengers live in buildings where Time Warner is the only ISP , making it impossible to call any of them this morning. It added almost 40 minutes to my run today.
These are just 2 exmples of the "oh rally" kind of things that I found myself dealing with today.
Instead of getting angry or frustrated or annoyed, I used this as a reminder that t maybe just maybe The Universe wa telling me that I might want to be mindful of everything i am doing today.
 Don't rush. 
Don't stress.
Don't panic. 
Be mindful. 

There is no need to hit me over the head more than once!
I got the message.
Don't sweat the small mindful of them!

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