There are times I forget just how far I have come on my Journey.What is now my new normal is the way I am.
A customer challenged me in an email yesterday, grousing and complaining about this that and the other thing.
I waited 24 hours before responding , and in a very carefully and thought out manner ,I tried as best as I could to answer his remarks in a positive , compassionate and understanding way. Minutes later, he shot back with yet another assault and more reasons why I was misguided.
It was then that it dawned on me that no matter what I did or said,he was going to be angry at the World. The World was conspiring against him.
Manufacturers,not just mine, but everyone he deals with, doesn't understand how hard it is for him to compete in today's retail environment.
There is no way for the little guy to compete in today's market.
The playing field is uneven and he is surely getting the short end of things.
My customer is completely immersed in victim mode.
I can remember what life was like when I dwelled in that cursed house.
Woe is me was my theme song.
In my eyes, no one could imagine the crosses I had to bare and the weight of the load I had to shoulder.
Of course life was unfair, particularly towards me.
All of these iniquities gave me permission to fail.
I didn't stand a chance.
I could never win.
Life was stacked against me.
Like I said,it has been a long long Journey. It is a Journey that continues daily.
That victim thing..... it's a road I run away from never mind shy away from.
It is a horrible place to be.
As for my customer, well, I'll send him another offer at another time.
Until then, all I can do is move on and onward.
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