Tuesday, March 28, 2017

I have been on a roll all day,handling one thing after another.It's just about 4pm and before jumping into something new, I decided to gift myself with some me time! Actually it is some me and you time.
The Universe opened a door of opportunity for me which has allowed me to move through my day and even the next few days without encountering some of the challenges that had been looming in my immediate future.
In turn, I was able to take on some priorities that until today had been either placed on the back burner or in some cases completely ignored.
Without getting too far ahead of myself, I made some choices,incremental choices at best, that can be nurtured and followed up on.
These are not necessarily 1+1=2 types of equations. They are a step forward.
We all know you can not get to step 2 without completing step 1. 
It is a fact. 
If you skip or overlook a step in the process, you are destined to starting over, retracing your steps or even failure.
What may seem or feel like an insignificant item on the long laundry list of life, is there for a reason.
I am feeling pretty good about the choices and decisions I made today. So good that I am considering walking away from my desk for the day. 
Tomorrow is another opportunity. So far today has gone into the win column.
I have never been one to be "satisfied" with what I have accomplished.
Maybe I should try it out?
When G-d created the Earth in 7 days, each of them had an end. And at the end of each of those days he looked about and saw what he created.....and he observed that it was good!
Today was good!

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