Friday, March 17, 2017

How am I doing on this How Am I Doin' Friday? 

Well,my foot is on the mend. The pain is now isolated and with that I believe a regimen of icing over the weekend I will get this swelling down and be able to heal.
It's St. Patrick's Day. 
The binge drinking accompanying this holiday always concerns me.I am not a drinker myself. I guess I had my fill when I was younger.Quite honestly, even back then,I rarely ever hit the levels of intoxication that I see and hear about all to frequently.
I just don't get it or understand it.
I am sending out good thoughts and hope that the Universe will hear them and keep everyone safe.
I have had some more thoughts inspired by this weekend's Happiness Summit.
When I first started training to become a life coach,we worked with pier coaches,each of us learning how to use the resources we were acquiring. 
We each would don our coaching toolbelt and take turns in the role of either coach or client. My first pier coach asked me "what do you do for fun?". He spent 6 weeks trying to elicit an answer from me on that.
6 years later, he still would have a difficult time getting an answer from me.
I remember skating around the issue by talking about what gives me joy.
He didn't seem interested in hearing that and week after week,pounded away as if he was trying to chop down a giant redwood armed only with a pocket knife.
It was an exercise in futility.
For what ever reason, he believed with out fun in my life, I could never be happy.
Fun is an activity. Happy? 
Oh yeah....that's a choice!
To be honest,joy is more important to me than fun.
And there is much that brings me joy.
One of the most joyous things to me is progress. 
When I am working on a project,and can see it start to take shape, it brings me great joy.
I happen tpo be working on some spreadsheets lately. As the columns fill out and a picture begins to appear before me, I feel joy.
I feel joy in accomplishing something, particularly when that something becomes bigger than I imagined it when I began.
I have a colleague who stopped working over a decade ago. He didn't retire. He was dealing with some "demons" in his life and basically dropped out of life.
Fortunately he had the financial resources to weather that stormy period and then the period that came once the demons were conquered. We would speak no less than weekly ,at times daily.
Lately he has re entered the game of life. He has found something to hitch his wagon to. The phone daily or weekly phone calls have become few and far between. Maybe once every couple of weeks or once a month.
Guess what,? I find joy in this.He has his mojo back. 
In the past when his name appeared on my phone I thought "now what?". Today when I see hhs name, I smile and look forward to hearing what he has been up to. 
Another friend who has been out of work for a long period of time also reached out to me. While nothing concrete has come up for him, his last email was filled with a sense of forward motion. I can't wait to reach out and speak to him. I am confident more joy will be felt!
Another friend, an old college buddy and frat brother also had some exciting goings on to share with me this week.
Even more joy!
I love activity. 
I love growth.
I love the process.
It all brings feelings of joy to me.
I have no idea why.
It just does.
In a few days Spring will officially arrive. Spring....the very beginning of the growing season.
Maybe that's why I am feeling so much joy today.
Could be!
Shabbat Shalom!

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